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MediCinema at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary turns 15

18th Dec 2024

Volunteers, nurses and patients have come together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the MediCinema at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) which opened on 15th December 2009.


The occasion was marked with a special screening of Disney’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ starring Jim Carey, which was the first film screened in the cinema and which also celebrated its 15th anniversary at the weekend.


To date it is estimated that close to 42,000 visitors have enjoyed cinema experiences at the RVI at over 2200 screenings.


This anniversary also marks a special milestone for Joss Spires, Senior Cinema Manager, who has been with the cinema from the very beginning and has helped to bring many special moments of respite and escapism for patients over the years.


Helga Charters, Associate Director of Nursing at the RVI, championed the build for the hospital recognising the impact the service would have for patients and wider hospital community. Helga continues to provide essential support to the work of MediCinema as our Clinical Board Member.

We have had the pleasure of the MediCinema for the past 15 years and what a huge impact it has on the patients mental and emotional wellbeing and that of their families. The joy of film transports patients away from their often difficult and possibly frightening situations which they are facing. It’s an integral part of what we do at the hospital, and I can’t imagine being without it. Thanks goes to Joss and her team for keeping the patients safe, they really are part of our team here at the hospital.

Helga Charters, Associate Director Nursing for Children and Young People at The Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary

As well as regular screenings of the latest releases, over the past 15 years the MediCinema at the RVI has hosted numerous special events in partnership with the likes of Disney with character and celebrity visits and special screenings including Anna, Elsa and Olaf from Frozen, characters from Toy Story, iconic Star Wars characters and Mirabel from Encanto.

Jake and his family experienced first-hand the impact that a visit to the MediCinema at the RVI can have.  Diagnosed with Leukaemia at just three years old, Jake had been living at the hospital for three weeks when he was invited to a screening.

Seeing him laugh and giggle melted our hearts and was the tonic we needed at an incredibly difficult time

Jake's mum Jill

Find out more about Jake’s experience at the RVI MediCinema: